Sunday, March 11, 2012


hey guys! for some odd reason it wont let me use the new banner i made! well i show u guys first!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Dramaa in Jamaa!!

I found a Dramatic Jammer in Zios,

They said some dramatic things like

Jee, no need to be Dramatic!


A dirty den

I was with Tiger, and we found a very dirty den... a "Club" I took some pictures...

Poles? For Pole Dancing!? Come on Seriously, This is just getting sick!

This is even worse... So dirty... I can't even say it... Dx BEDS!? REALLY!? HOW DIRTY CAN PEOPLE BE!?

And i am guessing this is suppose to be a hot tub for skinny dipping!!! COME ON PEOPLE!!!

they also made a bar i mean really? this is gross. this is a game where kids play as animals!! NOT CLUBS FOR 21 YEAR OLDS!!!!

and then when we revealed ourselves this is what she said to us!

What a dirty, dirty Jammer...



hey guys. me and gingerpawz are deeply sorry because we have not been posting much lately. we will get back on track soon. i apologize for the delay. the blog will be under some construction for about a week. very sorry guys!!!!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

clover blanket

i would first like to alpologize to the writer who i posted that dramaa on blogs thing.

next. clover blankets are now available in stores!

remember. DONT BE DRAMAATIC! ;)