Sunday, March 11, 2012


hey guys! for some odd reason it wont let me use the new banner i made! well i show u guys first!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Dramaa in Jamaa!!

I found a Dramatic Jammer in Zios,

They said some dramatic things like

Jee, no need to be Dramatic!


A dirty den

I was with Tiger, and we found a very dirty den... a "Club" I took some pictures...

Poles? For Pole Dancing!? Come on Seriously, This is just getting sick!

This is even worse... So dirty... I can't even say it... Dx BEDS!? REALLY!? HOW DIRTY CAN PEOPLE BE!?

And i am guessing this is suppose to be a hot tub for skinny dipping!!! COME ON PEOPLE!!!

they also made a bar i mean really? this is gross. this is a game where kids play as animals!! NOT CLUBS FOR 21 YEAR OLDS!!!!

and then when we revealed ourselves this is what she said to us!

What a dirty, dirty Jammer...



hey guys. me and gingerpawz are deeply sorry because we have not been posting much lately. we will get back on track soon. i apologize for the delay. the blog will be under some construction for about a week. very sorry guys!!!!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

clover blanket

i would first like to alpologize to the writer who i posted that dramaa on blogs thing.

next. clover blankets are now available in stores!

remember. DONT BE DRAMAATIC! ;)

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

new years feedback:tigerlilycoke

hey jammers! here is my feedback about leap year!

the party: very creative and one of the best parties so far. best stores out of all the parties. funnest place to hang out with buddies!

the items: my favorite items ever! they are so cool and easy for anyone to wear. im so glad a few are available for non members. and its fair because they dont have to change colors!
the spirit: wow its amazing! i see almost evryone wearing their items everywhere! *not a good pic*

and finally... dramaa! this time of year there is minor dramaa with the jammers. usually there is moderate. it is on the lower side of the scale because everyone is happy.... but it is also the time for beggars. so watch out!

~TIGERLILYCOKE!!!!<3 i kinda like marshymellows! *kinda?*

Quite a Dramatic Glitch ;)

I was logging into Animal Jam and this glitches happened! Hmm.... What do you Jammers think?

Remember, Don't be Dramatic ;)


Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Us :D

This is some pictures I edited of us... I hope you enjoy them :3

This is Tigerlilycoke!

And this is Gingerpawz!


Welcome! :D

We give you a Welcome Warming from Gingerpawz and Tigerlilycoke. We are the Authors of this blog, so I want to start off fresh. I'm Gingerpawz, We named this blog after one of my Quotes "Dramaa In Jamaa" For all those Dramatic Jammers around Jamaa. This is just a welcoming post... So um... Yea... You can add us on Animal Jam. We are Gingerpawz and Tigerlilycoke. We both have separate Blogs though... Mine is Gingerpawz Blog. and Tigerlilycoke's is Animal Jam Dream. We are good friends so we decided to make this blog together :D
